Inspired by the films of Marie Menken and the Bread and Roses Strike of 1912, Glimpses constellates different moments of history as it wanders through the Park of Roses, a public park in the heart of Columbus Ohio. The park was originally purchased by the city in 1944. A time when the park was used for Victory Gardens throughout World War II, this time, over 500 gardens were planted, providing food and nourishment to the community. Moving toward possibility, curiosity, and desire, the film decodes the promise of public parks without sacrificing the pleasures of lingering and looking. The film pays homage to a constellation of femmes who helped pave the way, including Marie Menken, famous for her spontaneous and free-form camera movements which inspired many notable filmmakers, though her influence often went unrecognized. She made “little films” for her friends with working-class sensibilities. She was known to invite people over for a bowl of soup and a screening of her work. Nourishment was also fundamental to the women involved in the Bread and Roses Strike of 1912, but bread alone was not enough. In their fight for a better wage, they demanded bread (home, shelter, and security) and "roses" (music, education, nature, books).  The slogan was coined by the American suffragist and workers' rights activist, Helen Todd and has been chanted by many protesters since. 

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